вторник, 20 февраля 2018 г.

Avago ADNS 3050 vs 3090 sensor

Making a decision between the Avago and other carriers of the optic sensor technology 3050 and 3090 can be simplified by appreciating that the 3050 sensor is great for beginners and an overall good "entry sensor". Therefore, the 3050 performs very well at 500CPI/125Hz, but anything higher than this and the CPI performance will drop as the Hz also increases. Overall, it cant manage high throughput, although this doesn't mean it can't be effectively used for either older games, considering, or, previous versions of the most popular ftps and MMOs, etc. Overall the A3090 will always perform better up to higher CPI in comparison, and its sensitivity improves your aim, so it come back down to what type of gaming you’ll be doing.

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